Exodus Rose 2022



Dry wine. 13% alcohol with a volume of 750 ml

This wine was produced from a combination of Cabernet Franc grapes and a few Syrah grapes that were harvested early in selected vineyards in the Negev. The wine has a light-medium body, a delicate pink color on the nose, and aromas of spices and flowers are felt. The wine has an impressive balance between bursting fruitiness and soft, refreshing and full of flavors. The wine is aged for 6 months in French oak barrels.


Out of stock

The wine supply is in accordance with the existing stock yearbook at the winery
Minimum Order

A minimum order of 400 NIS must be purchased


Deliveries to areas far from the center of the country can be delivered 7-14 days.
There are no shipments south of Be’er Sheva, the Arava and Eilat, as well as the Golan Heights and Judea and Samaria
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*Warning: contains alcohol – it is recommended to avoid excess consumption
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      Warning - contains alcohol,it is recommended to avoid excessive drinking